Copyright © Daniel Cook Stump Grinding. All rights reserved.

Common Questions

How far below the ground do you go?

My grinder can go about 12"-14" below the ground.   Most stumps are completely removed at this depth, however, I have ways to go a little further down if it looks like  it needs more depth in grinding.

On most stumps this means it will more than likely remove everything.

If you tell me you are going to plant something in it's place and it's a larger stump that will require me to go deeper than 14" to get everything out, I will let you know.  I have contractor's I can refer you to that do the much larger stump grinding jobs.  This means they have much bigger equipment and you will need to assess if they will have a more difficult time getting to the stump,  or may cause damage to your yard or landscaping to get there.

What about all the chips? Do you remove them?

When I grind the stump, at first there are wood chips.  Very soon though, the stump goes below the ground and the grinder has to grind both the stump and the dirt around it.   This creates a large hole filled with chips and dirt.  If I were to remove your chips, you would be left with a large hole that you would need to have to fill in with more dirt.

If I leave the chip/dirt mixture for you, it will be a mound.  This will settle back down in time for you.  If you want, you can use some of the chips around other trees or shrubs, and it will make a nice weed barrier.  Just don't take too much away or the mound will settle down into a large dip in your yard.

Do you do Chipping or Tree work?

I'm sorry that I can't take care of those things for you.  Stump grinding has kept me pretty busy, so over the years I have found reputable contractors I trust to refer my customers to.  Give me a call and I will be happy to direct you to them.

If your question wasn't answered here, call me and I'll be more than happy assist!




Daniel Cook